Low Cholesterol Diet – 3 Delicious Food Tips

Today, many people who are overweight and have raised their blood cholesterol levels are adopting a low cholesterol diet.

A diet which low cholesterol levels can actually be practiced on a daily basis. A low cholesterol diet comes with a string of improvements and modifications which can be made to better one’s way of life. In order to lessen the presence of LDL Cholesterol in the bloodstream and replace that with HDL or the High Density Lipoproteins cholesterol, here are a few suggestions to alter your daily routine to come closer to that low cholesterol level.

Fatty Fish

One of the tasty fat burning food suggestions is adding fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna to one’s diet. These types of fishes are full of omega-3 fatty acids and the Omega 3’s are good for one’s heart’s health in many ways.  Trout had been reported as having more of the fatty acids EPA and DHA than any other fish.

 The omega 3’s are said to help strengthen the circulatory system and are effective in reducing blood pressure

Nutritional Switch

To lower your blood cholesterol level and reduce your risks of developing diseases like stroke and heart, it’s a good idea to switch to a lower fat diet. Try switching to using unsaturated oils instead of the saturated kind, such as vegetable oil or olive oil.

Fatty Meat instead of Beans or Legumes

Fibrous kinds of food is an excellent way to keep your hunger (and blood sugar) under control. Two ounces of nuts like almonds or walnuts are delicious and a good source of omega-3 fatty acids – the vitamins and minerals that are good for your heart and other healthy organs.

Fruits to Include in your Diet

Instead of eating desserts with every meal, eat one or two servings of fruit in between meals. If you’re having a hectic day, three fruits and two servings of veggies will let you have a healthy diet with minimal caloric intake.

Low-fat dairy foods

Nuts have a lot of benefits, but they’re also high in calories. Thus, protein based foods are a good choice to make sure that you are on a low cholesterol diet. This includes yogurt, which is classified as a dairy product.

Beans, Meat, Fish and Eggs

These are all protein rich foods that are great for protein consumption. Repeat your daily diet with these different foods and you’ll be sure to lower your cholesterol naturally without sacrificing tasty meals.


Other sources of protein like chicken, turkey and lean beef, provide the essential amino acids required by our bodies to bolster up our immune system. Chicken is also rich in protein and is considered lean meat. However, limit your consumption of fried and smoked poultry products as they have a high amount of saturated fat content.


Cold-water fish like tuna, salmon, and sardines contain a lot of fatty acids that are essential for maintaining a healthy body. These fatty acids help lower your cholesterol levels and are also said to be associated with the prevention of heart attacks.

Spaghetti squash features high levels of carbohydrates and very little amount of protein, which leads to a rise in blood cholesterol levels. In fact, a study that was done on people who consumed this alternative style of cooking had their blood cholesterol level rising as well.

Bananas are rich in potassium and also make a good substitute for ice cream while also being rich in vitamins. You can also get nutritious beta-carotene from orange juice.

Legumes and sprouted grains

There are plenty of options available for your vegan and vegetarian diet. Can you believe that sprouted grains are gluten-free and even more nutritious? You can add your choice of beans to soups and salads for great filler and high concentrate protein. Kidney beans, lentils, and chickpeas are some of the best legumes for your diet. Just be sure to use lots of spices and herbs since these ingredients add a great deal of flavor when added to your diet.


Soy is great for your heart and it’s an excellent substitute for milk. Just make sure that you’re not drinking soy milk. Like with most alternative foods, there are really no substitutes for experience and practice. The benefits of eating soy include lowering the cholesterol level, lowering the blood pressure, promoting the well-being of the heart and believed to reduce the risk of cancer.